Hall Law Personal Injury Attorneys 825 Nicollet Mall, Suite 615 Minneapolis, MN 55402 personal injury and car accident lawyer in Minneapolis

Is It Legal To Run a Yellow Light in Minnesota?

Is It Legal To Run a Yellow Light in Minnesota?

Yellow lights often cause confusion for drivers. Even a moment of indecision can lead to risky behavior. What exactly does a yellow light mean in Minnesota, legally speaking? Let’s look at the rules surrounding yellow lights and how to approach them safely.

What Does a Yellow Light Mean?

According to the Minnesota Driver’s Manual, a steady yellow light or arrow means “caution” — it’s a warning that the signal is about to turn red. You shouldn’t enter the intersection if you can stop safely. If that’s not possible, you’re allowed to proceed through the intersection with caution.

The manual also adds, “If you’re waiting in the intersection to make a turn and the signal turns from yellow to red, complete the turn as soon as it is safe. Do not back up.”

This clarifies that if you’re already in the intersection when the light turns red, you should complete your turn rather than trying to back out.

Minnesota statute 169.06 provides more detail:

“Vehicular traffic facing a steady circular yellow or yellow arrow signal is thereby warned that the related green movement is being terminated or that a red indication will be exhibited immediately thereafter when vehicular traffic must not enter the intersection.”

In other words, yellow doesn’t automatically mean stop. However, it also doesn’t give you free rein to blow through the intersection. The key is whether you can stop safely before the light turns red.

The law recognizes that stopping suddenly may not always be safe, especially if another vehicle is following closely behind. If you’re too close to the intersection to stop safely when the light turns yellow, you’re permitted to proceed through the intersection cautiously. Failing to stop when you could have done so safely may result in a traffic violation.

There are situations where it’s legal to enter an intersection on a yellow light in Minnesota. For instance:

  • You’re too close to the intersection to stop safely when the light changes
  • Road conditions make it dangerous to stop quickly
  • Stopping suddenly could cause a rear-end collision

The law recognizes that sometimes it’s safer to proceed through a yellow light than to slam on your brakes. Use your best judgment based on your speed, road conditions, and surrounding traffic.

When You Should Stop on Yellow

While it may be legal to proceed through an intersection on yellow in some cases, it’s generally safer to stop if you can. 

You should prepare to stop when you see a yellow light if:

  • You have enough time and space to stop comfortably before the intersection
  • Traffic ahead of you is slowing or stopping for the light
  • Pedestrians or cyclists are starting to enter the crosswalk

Remember, just because you can legally proceed doesn’t always mean you should. Safety should be your top priority.

The Risks of Running Yellow Lights

Even if it’s technically legal, treating yellow lights as a race to beat the red can be dangerous. Some of the risks include:

Intersection Collisions

Yellow light runners are more likely to collide with vehicles entering the intersection from other directions as the light changes. T-bones and head-on crashes can cause severe injuries or death.

Pedestrian and Cyclist Accidents

Walkers and cyclists may start crossing as your light turns yellow, putting them at risk if you speed through.

Traffic Citations

While running a yellow light isn’t illegal in itself, you could still get a ticket for reckless or distracted driving or failure to exercise due care if an officer thinks your behavior was unsafe.

Prioritizing Safety At Yellow Signals

While it can be acceptable to enter an intersection on a yellow light in Minnesota, it’s not always the safest choice. Use good judgment, be prepared to stop safely when you can, and always prioritize safety, both your own and that of others on the road. Understanding and following traffic signals helps keep our roads safer for everyone.

Contact the Minnesota Car Accident Law Firm of Hall Law Personal Injury Attorneys For Help Today

For more information, please contact an experienced car accident lawyer at Hall Law Personal Injury Attorneys to schedule a free initial consultation today. We have three convenient locations in Minnesota, including Minneapolis, St. Cloud, and Edina.

We proudly serve Hennepin County, Stearns County, and its surrounding areas:

Hall Law Personal Injury Attorneys – Minneapolis
825 Nicollet Mall, Suite 615
Minneapolis, MN 55402

(800) 292-1979

Hall Law Personal Injury Attorneys – St. Cloud
1010 W St Germain St # 320
St Cloud, MN 56301

(320) 255-1000

Hall Law Personal Injury Attorneys – Edina
5200 Willson Rd #203
Edina, MN 55424

(952) 697-5560

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